Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Logistics of the Group

You will find our contact information on the front page of our blog. That has our email
and phone number.

Oakland United Methodist Church in Johnstown, PA is where we will be holding many
events and our co-op, which will happen two times a year. The address is:
1504 Bedford Street
Johnstown, PA 15902


Thank you and I look forward to meeting you!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Checklist of Forms Needed for Membership

CHECKLIST: please copy and paste forms, sign and date, and mail email forms to address below. Thank you!!!
List of things that we will need from each family in order to become a member of G*L*O*W

               ___Membership Form(FORM 1)

 ___Signed Statement of Faith/Vision Form(FORM 2)
            ___ Liability Waiver(FORM 3)
            ___Payment Form and payment(FORM 4)

            ___Proof of Health Insurance
                      *Please provide 2 copies of both sides of your
                      insurance card- one copy to take on outings and
                      one to keep on file.
            ___Pennsylvania Clearances
                * PA Child Abuse Clearance(free)
                * PA Criminal History Clearance(free)

Calendar: 10/2018-6/2019

11/15: Clue at RPA Teen Event
11/23: Santa Express
11/26: GLOW Game Time! All Ages!
11/30: Movie Night Teen Event!

Image result for december
 12/4: Wrap up cookies!(Delivering to Food Kitchen)
 12/10: Craft Time!!! All Ages!
12/13: PPG Gingerbread House Display
12/17: T(w)een White Elephant Christmas Party
12/22: Harry Potter Yule Ball

Payment form, 10/21-6/30/2019, FORM 4

In an attempt to keep membership costs down, we utilize the internet for 
our general communications. We have two methods by which you can remain 
The first is via your email address, which will automatically be added to 
our mailing list. All official GLOW information will be sent via email AND 
posted to the private Facebook group. FYI information will only be posted 
using the private Facebook group, which is optional. Please check yes if you 
would like to be part of the Facebook group.

#1) Email address will automatically added to directory list. All official
      info will be sent this route.

#2) Would you like to be part of our Facebook group?     ❑Yes ❑No

#3)Do you give full permission for GLOW Johnstown Homeschool Group to publish 
any photos of your family CLOSED Facebook page?               ❑Yes ❑No

Cost of 2018-2019 membership
(October 22, 2018- June 30, 2019): $30.00

Membership Benefits:
A. Access to all GLOW events and programs (some may require a fee).
B. Receipt of regular communications
C. Access to the GLOW Facebook page.
E. Access to or receipt of a membership directory
F. Support and information from other homeschooling families

Please send all required forms and payment to:
461 Clarence Street
Johnstown PA, 15905              

liability form, FORM 3


GLOW Homeschool group of Johnstown
     Liability Waiver for Group activities
                      This must be signed and turned in with your application

I do hereby certify that I and my family are covered by our own medical insurance policy. I
understand and agree that neither GLOW Johnstown Homeschool Group, nor the facilities 
in which group activities are held, shall be liable for personal injuries incurred by me or my 
children while participating in a GLOW Johnstown Homeschool Group event or activity. I 
also agree not to hold any staff, instructors, coaches, field trip coordinators, or any other 
person(s) liable for any personal injuries incurred by me or my children while participating 
in GLOW Johnstown Homeschool Group events and activities.

Medical Insurance Carrier Policy Number

Print Father’s Name                                                         Print Mother’s Name

Father’s Signature Date Mother’s Signature Date

For Office Use Only - Don't fill out!
School Year:                                        Date Received:
Type of Membership: Full Year / Half Year (Jan to June)
Paid: Check Cash M.O. Amount: ______________ Ck # ________________
Email Added: _____ Membership Email sent: _____ Facebook Email sent: _____

Statement of Faith/Vision, signed form(FORM 2)


Statement of Faith:
1. The Bible to be the inspired, infallible, divinely preserved Word of God, the supreme 
and final authority for all faith and life.
2. That there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
3. In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His 
substituting and atoning death through His shed blood on the cross, His bodily resurrection, 
His ascension, and His imminent bodily return in power and glory.
4. That man was created in the image of God, but fell into sin and is therefore lost, and 
only those who put their faith in Jesus Christ alone, not trusting in any personal works 
whatsoever, can be saved.
5. In the spiritual unity of believers through our common faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, 
and those individual doctrinal differences that may exist, outside of the aforementioned, 
should not hinder the unity of Christian home educators.

G*L*O*W Vision Statement:
1. I see a group of families who work together to get their kids the education and socialization
 they need to become capable, loving, knowledgeable, Christ-honoring, and driven adults.
2. I see many small groups, playgroups and teen social events, where kids who love Jesus 
can come together to have fun and make lifelong friendships.
3. I see homeschool moms who come together on “Moms Night Out” to laugh and relax, 
recharge and make friends.
4. I see a bunch of kids and their parents meeting at farms, museums, zoos, parks, and 
many other educational and fun places. I see the kids running up to the friends they have 
made in this group when we come together.
5. I see a homeschool co-op within an easy distance of everyone in the Johnstown area. 
I see kids learning from Christ-honoring moms and dads who have special skills that are 
all their own. I see older kids coming forward to teach and get experience and become 
mentors that moms and dads would be happy to have for their kids.

I have read and accept the Statement of Faith and the Vision for G*L*O*W Johnstown 
Homeschool Group.
_________________________________  ________________________
Father signature                             date Mother signature            date

Membership information(FORM 1)


G*L*O*W Johnstown Homeschool Group Membership Application(FORM 1)

Last Name:_______________________________________________________
Father's first name:_________________________________________________
Mother's first name:________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________      State: PA ZIP: __ __ __ __ __
County: ____________________________
Primary E-mail:_________________________________________________
Secondary E-mail:_______________________________________________
Phone 1: __ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __ __
Phone 2:__ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __ __
HSLDA Member: Yes / No                 School District: _______________________
Please list the name, age, and grade level of each child in your family.
(Including students that may not be homeschooled)
Name                                                                        Age Grade Level
I have read and understand G*L*O*W Johnstown Homeschool Groups Vision
 and Statement of Faith and I understand the Christian identity of Charity 
Homeschool Group. I agree that I and my family will abide by the Christian principles 
that are practiced by Charity Homeschool Group during all group events and activities.

________________________________    _________________________________
Father’s Signature                     Date Mother’s Signature                 Date

Logistics of the Group

You will find our contact information on the front page of our blog. That has our email and phone number. Oakland United Methodist Church...