Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Payment form, 10/21-6/30/2019, FORM 4

In an attempt to keep membership costs down, we utilize the internet for 
our general communications. We have two methods by which you can remain 
The first is via your email address, which will automatically be added to 
our mailing list. All official GLOW information will be sent via email AND 
posted to the private Facebook group. FYI information will only be posted 
using the private Facebook group, which is optional. Please check yes if you 
would like to be part of the Facebook group.

#1) Email address will automatically added to directory list. All official
      info will be sent this route.

#2) Would you like to be part of our Facebook group?     ❑Yes ❑No

#3)Do you give full permission for GLOW Johnstown Homeschool Group to publish 
any photos of your family CLOSED Facebook page?               ❑Yes ❑No

Cost of 2018-2019 membership
(October 22, 2018- June 30, 2019): $30.00

Membership Benefits:
A. Access to all GLOW events and programs (some may require a fee).
B. Receipt of regular communications
C. Access to the GLOW Facebook page.
E. Access to or receipt of a membership directory
F. Support and information from other homeschooling families

Please send all required forms and payment to:
461 Clarence Street
Johnstown PA, 15905              

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Logistics of the Group

You will find our contact information on the front page of our blog. That has our email and phone number. Oakland United Methodist Church...