Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Vision of GLOW

  Our Vision

1. I see a group of families who work together to get their 
kids the education and socialization they need to become 
capable, loving, knowledgeable, Christ-honoring, and driven 

2. I see many small groups, playgroups and teen social events, 
where kids who love Jesus can come together to have fun and 
make lifelong friendships.

3. I see homeschool moms who come together on “Moms 
Night Out” to laugh and relax, recharge and make friends.

4. I see a bunch of kids and their parents meeting at farms, 
museums, zoos, parks, and many other educational and fun 
places. I see the kids running up to the friends they have made 
in this group when we come together.

5. I see a homeschool co-op within an easy distance of everyone 
in the Johnstown area. I see kids learning from Christ-honoring 
moms and dads who have special skills that are all their own. 
I see older kids coming forward to teach and get experience and
 become mentors that moms and dads would be happy to have 
for their kids.

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